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曶易 曶易【fat1 ji6 fat1 jik6】
FLIPEN 是由 THINKTHING Studio Ltd. 生產的產品。

XIMPLIFLY 是一群 FPV 愛好者。我們是少數幾個專注於解決飛行前和飛行後體驗的品牌之一
FPV 飛行員。通過我們獨特的創造性思維,我們解決問題
其他品牌沒有關注和改進 UI
為了讓公眾更容易接觸到FPV, 我們使用設計
FPV飛行員享受飛行體驗,讓飛行前和飛行後的體驗更加便捷。對於新的飛行員,Ximplifly更容易上手,對於專業的飛行員,Ximplify 可以滿足他們的各種需求。
When Jason, the founder of XIMPLIFLY, first stepped into the field of FPV from drone photography, he experienced a new kind of delight that other ‘hobbies’ cannot give, but he also encountered hiccups and troubles during the preflight and postflight processes, which weaken the whole experience, making a cool experience
not cool. Due to his unbearable urge to solve problems (as always), and believing that he is not the only one who suffers, he starts to look into solutions for these problems.
That’s the birth of XIMPLIFLY.
During the creative process of XIMPLIFLY, the team has been constantly reflecting on how our design thinking has been imperceptibly influenced by our history and culture, which leads us to further explore the roots of our design mindset. We have come to agree that, as designers in the city of Hong Kong, we have a mission to inherit and carry forward the craftsmanship of
its own. An example in XIMPLIFLY will be how we use an ancient Chinese construction technique – "Mortise and Tenon" in designing part of the accessories; a simple but very smart mechanism. Combining the wisdom of the ancients and modern technology contributes to the delicate yet
simple structures of our FPV.

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